Monday, 25 June 2012


What the 4-Weeks Plan Will Do for You—Protect Your Cells and  DNA from Free Radical Damage, Improve Your Immune System, Reduce Inflammation and Protect Your Heart
4-Week Meal Plan will help you stay focused, sharp and energized all day. It is the best Plan to provide you with all the nutrients you need every day. Here's how it works:


Week 1 - Cleanse body of deadly free radicals and increase your energy 
Antioxidant-rich foods help to combat the free radical activity that results in damaging DNA and cellular structures. Since antioxidants work synergistically, we need to eat a variety of antioxidant-rich foods for optimal protection.


Week2                        -Super charge your immune system 
Good health means a strong immune system making every organ in your body stronger and more resilient. Eating foods rich in vitamin C such as lemons, oranges, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli are absolutely critical for optimal immunity. A strong immune system can translate into experiencing fewer colds and flues and a slowing down of the aging process.


Week 3 - Reduce inflammation, the key to healthy organs 
Inflammation can attack any part of your body and cause cellular damage to your liver, kidneys, thyroid, eyes, and heart. The best foods to help reduce inflammation are the omega-3 fatty acids of which most people need 2.5-4.0 g each day.
Reducing inflammation can help:
  • Prevent memory loss - omega-3s nourish your brain; they have been shown to help protect your brain's neurotransmitters, which are the foundation for memory, moods.
  • Reduce joint pain
  • Keep skin elastic and free of wrinkles. Staying fresh and smooth.
  •    Promote healthy lung function

Week 4 - Protect Your Heart 
Heart-healthy foods in the Plan are rich in monunsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids, which help maintain strong healthy arteries, great circulation, a healthy heart, and much more:
  • Promotes normal blood pressure
  • Improves HDL/LDL cholesterol ratio
  • Protects heart from free radicals
  • Promotes healthy circulation
The 4-Weeks Plan Features over 100% of the Daily Value for a Wide Range of Health-Promoting Nutrients. The 4-Weeks Plan is the best Plan to help you easily incorporate the World's Healthiest Foods into your Healthiest Way of Eating and give you all the health-promoting nutrients you need every day. If you are looking for the perfect way of eating, the 4-Weeks Plan is just what you are looking for.

Source: The World's Healthiest Foods

Tuesday, 19 June 2012



  • The oil present in pumpkin seeds can interrupt the activation of prostate cell multiplication by testosterone and DHT, in turn avoiding the enlargement of the prostate gland.
  • The carotenoids, omega-3 fats and zinc present in the seeds add to this benefit.
  • Pumpkin seeds have anti-inflammatory properties, making them beneficial for people suffering from arthritis.
  • Being rich in calcium and zinc, pumpkin seeds, if made a part of the regular diet, can improve the bone mineral density of men and help keep the problem of osteoporosis at bay.
  • Pumpkin seeds have been found to serve as a very good source of a number of minerals, like magnesium, manganese and phosphorus, apart from iron, copper, protein and zinc.
  • Containing a good amount of phytosterols, pumpkin seeds have been found to be helpful in reducing blood levels of cholesterol, enhancing the immune response and decreasing the risk of certain cancers.
  • Pumpkin seeds contain L-tryptophan, a natural compound that is known to be effective against depression. In other words, the seeds prove beneficial for people suffering from depression.
  • Studies have suggested that pumpkin seeds can help prevent the formation of calcium oxalate kidney stone.
  • They also prove to be beneficial for the teeth, gums, nerves, hair and nails.
  • If you are suffering from constipation, or catarrh, a condition in which fluids run from mucous membranes, regular consumption of pumpkin seeds would prove beneficial.
  • There have been researches suggesting that pumpkin seeds can help treat overweight or obesity and dissolve gall stones as well. 
  • Pumpkin Seed at
    They are also good for people suffering from tuberculosis.

    Pumpkin seeds are known to help stimulate the appetite of a person. 


  • Pistachios are free of cholesterol and have a high content of monounsaturated fats. They also contain approximately 90% unsaturated fats, thereby boosting HDL cholesterol. This means that they can help prevent heart attacks.
  • The presence of phytosterols in pistachio helps prevent the body from absorbing too many bad fats that affect the heart and overall health. Apart from this, the anti-oxidants present in it further helps reduce cholesterol. Arginine, a plaque-like substance in the blood, is also reduced. This makes the body avoid its build up in the arteries.
  • The presence of copper, magnesium and vitamin help strengthen one’s immune system and helps improve overall fitness.
  • California Pistachio at
  • Pistachios are packed with fiber and protein. This makes them a filling snack, which reduce food cravings.
  • Pistachios are full of phyto-nutrients, minerals and vitamins. This helps the body fight many debilitating diseases, including cancer.
  • The minerals and vitamins in pistachios can help boost metabolism, build bones up, strengthen tissues, aid the nerves and cardiovascular system, improve vision, and purify the blood stream.
  • In today’s stress-filled world, pistachio can help reduce acute stress reactions and improve overall behavioral health.


  • Having antioxidant properties, raisins help keep the blood clean and flowing, by getting rid of al the impurities.
  • Raisins are believed to be good for bone density and have been associated with lower risk of osteoporosis in women.
  • The phytonutrients and olenolic acid present in raisins makes them beneficial for the health of teeth and gums.
  • Raisins are good for eyes and have been found to be helpful in prevention of macular degeneration.
  • Being high in calories, but not fats, raisins are a very good source of energy, especially for children and athlete.
  • Raisins are a good source of fiber and can help cure constipation. For the purpose, boil raisins in a saucepan of water, strain the liquid and drink it.
  • Studies claim that raisins contain additional nutritive compounds that can protect against heart disease and colon cancer.


It has been claimed that vitamin B17 has certain medicinal properties that make it useful in the treatment as well as prevention of cancer.
It helps in reducing the pain associated with arthritis.
Appricot Seed at
Bitter Appricot Seed at

Intake of vitamin B17 has been found to help lower high blood pressure.
It helps maintain the general health and well being of a person.
It strengthens the body's ability to resist infections like colds and flu. 


  • The mineral content in apricots is high, which makes them helpful in overcoming disorders like anemia, tuberculosis, bronchitis, etc.
  • The high copper and iron content in apricots increases the hemoglobin in the blood.
  • The vitamin A content in apricots is high and helps in reducing skin disorders like pimples and zits. Vitamin A also aids in improving eye-sight.
  • A certain substance called lycopene is present in apricots, which helps in the prevention of cancer and also protects the body from high cholesterol, thereby preventing heart disease.
  • Eating apricots helps in removing gallstones and also destroys intestinal worms. It also aids in digestion, since it reacts as an alkaline, breaking down food particles.
  • The fruit is considered to be a laxative and consuming it regularly will help you get rid of constipation. It is very helpful in getting rid of the waste in the body, due to its high fiber content.


Dried cranberries are high in Vitamin C and antioxidants. They help reduce the effect of free radicals and thus inhibit the development of cancer cells.
Dried cranberries inhibit bacterial infections and so are used widely for treating urinary tract infections and also ear and mouth infections.
Dried cranberries act as the best weapon in the war against atherosclerosis, hardening of the walls of the arteries.
Dried cranberries offer cardiovascular benefits and help in immune system strengthening.
Dried cranberries are even suspected of helping fight tooth decay.
The dietary fiber in cranberries improves your digestive health.
Cranberry prevents kidney stones.

Cranberry fruit also offers you a protection against Alzheimers' disease and Parkinson's disease.
Cranberry helps you avoid excessive use of oral antibiotics as it prevents a kind of rash, called jock itch, caused by a fungal infection.
Cranberries help you maintain good cholesterol levels. If fresh cranberries are not available, you can use dried cranberries after soaking them in water.
Cranberries help in detoxification of your body and they also contain vitamin E. So you can get glowing skin if you start consuming cranberries in proportionate quantity.


  • Prevent cancer: Modern medicine has shown that they are effective in preventing abdominal cancer.
  • Weak heart: Dates are excellent remedy for weak heart.
  • Treatment for obesity: By eating few dates when feeling hungry helps reduce hunger.
  • Eases child-birth: Eating dates ease the pain of childbirth. Scientifically they are known to contain hormones which strengthen the uterus, help produce milk for nursing mothers and also prevent blood loss after childbirth.
  • Ideal for breast -feeding mothers: Dates contain elements that assist in alleviating depression and enrich the breast milk with the nutrient needed to make the child healthy and resistant to disease.

  • Bone: As dates are high in calcium, they contribute to healthy bones.
  • Improve eye sight: Dates are also important in maintaining good vision and are effective in guarding against night-blindness.
  • Cure constipation: Dates are also highly beneficial in the treatment of constipation as the roughage provided by stimulates sluggish bowels.
  • Remedy for sexual debility: Dates can be use for treatment of sexual weakness. When it’s mixed with milk and honey, dates can be used as a tonic for both sexes.

  • Remedy for liver and inflammation: Dates remedy liver and purge it from toxins, breaking the fast with dates, is one of the most magnificent of natural remedies for the maintenance and purging the liver from accumulated toxins.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012


DEFINASI berpuasa banyak sekali tafsirannya. Ia tergantung dari latar belakang dan maksud puasa itu sendiri. Definasi yang paling umum menurut umat Islam adalah:-

Puasa dalam bahasa Arab disebut . Perkataan  memberi pengertian: " Menahan diri dari sesuatu ".
Di dalam Al-Quran terdapat perkataan itu pada ayat yang menceritakan hikayat Maryam:
Ertinya: " Sesungguhnya aku bernazar bagi Tuhan yang bersifat pengasih akan mengerjakan puasa; yakni
menahan diri dan diam daripada berkata-kata
Pengertian puasa mengikut istilah hukum Syara' pula adalah: " Menahan diri daripada perkara-perkar yang tertentu oleh orang-orang yang tertentu pada waktu-waktu yang tertentu dengan beberapa syarat. "
Maksud perkara-perkara tertentu adalah: makan, minum dan melakukan hubungan jenis(jimak) serta
perkara-perkara yang membatalkan puasa.
Orang-orang yang tertentu adalah: orang-orang yang menganut Agama Islam, telah cukup umur dan berakal.
Sementara pada waktu-waktu tertentu itu pula bererti sepanjang hari - iaitu mulai terbit fajar Sadik
() hingga terbenam matahari (masuk waktu maghrib).



Dan ada pula yang mengklasifikasikan puasa mengikut katogeri berikut:-
  • Puasa Agama
  • Puasa Sosial
  • Puasa Polotik
  • Puasa Ekonomi
  • Puasa Kesihatan
Tahukah anda dengan berpuasa ia dapat menjauhi dan mengubati diri kita daripada pelbagai penyakit.

Sebuah kata - kata bijak mengatakan:-
" Makanlah ketika lapar dan berpuasalah ketika sakit"

Dr.Yinyamunof dan Dr.Zeiland dari Rusia selalu menasihati pesakit-pesakitnya untuk berhenti makan ( puasa) ketika penyakit mereka mula muncul.

 Seperti yang kita sedia maklum, kehidupan kita di zaman yang serba moden ini, serba SEGERA. Badan kita tidak pernah terlepas daripada berbagai racun yang masuk kedalam tubuh kita. Apa yang pasti, nasib anak anak kecil kita sudah terdedah kepada begitu banyak perasa,pewarna dan pengawet . Bagaimana mungkin kita akan sihat jika di dalam tubuh kita terdapat banyak sekali toksik atau racun.


Cara yang terbaik untuk penyembuhannya ialah dengan mengeluarkan zat yang "meracuni" tubuh ( detoks) dengan kata lain BERPUASA.



Sebenarnya bukan puasa yang mengubati penyakit, akan tetapi dengan puasa akan memberikan kesempatan pada tubuh kita untuk beristirehat dari rutin pekerjaannya untuk mengolah makanan dan minuman setiap hari. Semasa kita berpuasa, segala energi yang digunakan untuk mengolah makanan pada hari biasa digunakan sepenuhnya untuk membaiki kerusakan pada tubuh. Itu lah sebabnya dinamakan PUASA KESIHATAN.

Ibnu Sina (980-1037 M), merupakan seorang doktor Muslim kenamaan pada masanya. Beliau menerapkan konsep puasa untuk semua pesakitnya. Ia mengharuskan setiap pesakit yang datang kepadanya agar berpuasa selama tiga minggu. Bagi Ibnu Sina, puasa merupakan terapi efektif dan murah-meriah dalam menyembuhlan penyakit pesakitnya.

(Ibnu Sina)

Dr.Edward Devi,Amerika Syarikat

Dr.Shelton, Amerika Syarikat
Semakin banyak kita memberi makan orang sakit, maka kita membuat dia semakin sakit"



Fasting is the single greatest natural healing therapy. It is nature’s ancient, universal "remedy" for many problems. Animals instinctively fast when ill. When I first discovered fasting, 15 years ago, I felt as if it had saved my life and transformed my illnesses into health. My stagnant energies began flowing, and I became more creative and vitally alive. I still find fasting both a useful personal tool and an important therapy for many medical and life problems.

Of course, most of the problems for which I recommend fasting as treatment are ones that result from overnutrition rather than malnutrition. Dietary abuse problems, more common in the Western world than in Third World countries, generate many of the chronic degenerative diseases that I have written so much about; these include atherosclerosis, hypertension and heart disease, allergies, diabetes, and cancer. I believe that fasting is therapeutic and, more importantly, preventive for many of these conditions and more.

As I use the term here, fasting is the avoidance of solid food and the intake of liquids only (true fasting would be the total avoidance of anything by mouth). The most stringent form of fasting is taking only water; more liberally, fasting includes the use of fresh juices made from fruits and vegetables as well as herbal teas. All of these limited diets generate varying degrees of detoxification—that is, elimination of toxins from the body. Individual experiences with fasting depend on the condition of the body (also mind and attitude). Detoxification might be intense and temporarily increase sickness or might be immediately helpful and uplifting.

Juice fasting is commonly used (rather than water alone) as a mild and effective cleansing plan; this is suggested by myself and other doctors and authors and by many of the European fasting clinics. Fresh juices are easily assimilated and require minimum digestion, while they supply many nutrients and stimulate our body to clear its wastes. Juice fasting is also safer than water fasting, because it supports the body nutritionally while cleansing and probably even produces a better detoxification and quicker recovery.

Fasting (cleansing, detoxification) is one part of the triology of nutrition; balancing and building (toning) are the others. I believe that fasting is the "missing link" in the Western diet. Most people overeat, eat too often, and eat a high-protein, high-fat, rich-food, building and congesting diet more consistently than they need. If we regularly eat a more balanced and well-combined diet, such as my Ideal Diet, we will have less need for fasting and toning plans, although both would still be required at certain intervals throughout the year.

In a sense, detoxification is an important corrective and rejuvenative process in our cycle of nutrition. It is a time when we allow our cells and organs to breathe out, become current, and restore themselves. We do not necessarily need to fast to experience some cleansing, however. Minor shifts in the diet such as including more fluids, more raw foods, and fewer congesting foods will allow for better detoxification; for a carnivore, for example, a vegetarian or macrobiotic diet will be cleansing and purifying. The general process of detoxification is discussed thoroughly in the General Detoxification program; here we focus on fluid fasting—its history, therapeutic use, benefits, contraindications, and, of course, how to do it, along with other aspects of lifestyle that support fasting.

Fasting is a time-proven remedy. Its use goes back many thousands of years, really to the beginning of life forms. As a healing process and spiritual-religious process, it has continued to be more intelligently applied, we hope, in the last several thousand years.
Voluntary abstinence from food has been a tradition in most religions and is clearly a spiritual purification rite. Many religions, including Christianity, Judaism, and the Eastern religions, have encouraged fasting for a variety of reasons, such as penitence, preparation for ceremony, purification, mourning, sacrifice and union with God, and the enhancement of knowledge and powers. From Moses, Elijah, and Daniel to Christ, the Bible is filled with fasters, who employed it to assist their purification and communion with God. Fasts as long as 40 days were employed to cleanse people of sins and the "devil."

The Essenes, authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls, also advocated fasting to purify themselves and commune with God. This was one of their primary healing methods. The Essene Gospel of Peace, transcribed by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely from the third-century Aramaic manuscript, suggests that Satan, his evil spirits, and his plagues will be cast out of our being by fasting and prayer. The Essenes believed that disease came from Satan (they claimed that it took three days without food to starve Satan) and from sins upon our body—the temple, which must be purified for God to reside there. To bring God into our life more completely, we would fast on water and "go to the waters (stream, lake) and find a hollow reed, insert it in our rear ends and flush the evils from our bowels."

For many philosophers, scientists, and physicians, fasting was an essential part of life, health, and the healing process needed to recreate health where there was sickness. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Galen, Paracelsus, and Hippocrates all used and believed in fasting therapy. Most spiritual teachers also recommend fasting as a useful tool. In a booklet from the 1947 lecture entitled Healing by God’s Unlimited Power, Paramahansa Yogananda suggested that fasting is a way to increase our natural resistance to disease, stating that "Fasting is a natural method of healing. When animals or savages are sick, they fast." He continued, "Most diseases can be cured by judicious fasting. Unless one has a weak heart, regular short fasts have been recommended by the yogis as an excellent health measure." Yogananda referred to an Armenian doctor, Grant Sarkisyan, who had treated many patients successfully with fasting therapy for such disorders as asthma, skin diseases, digestive problems, and early stages of atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Throughout the centuries, many doctors have treated a variety of patients and maladies with fasting, acknowledging that ignorance (of how to live in accordance with nature) may be our greatest disease. Knowledge, not necessarily from books, but our inherent and experienced knowing of how to live according to the natural laws and spiritual truth, leads to the sacred wisdom of life and subsequent good health. Knowing when and how long to fast is part of this knowledge. Through fasting, we can turn our energies inward, where we can use them for healing, clarity, and change.

Physicians with a spiritual orientation tend to be more inclined than others to employ fasting, both personally and medically. Many of my life transitions were acknowledged, stimulated, and supported through fasting; and when I felt blocked or needed creative juice in my writing, fasting would be very useful. In Spiritual Nutrition and the Rainbow Diet, Gabriel Cousens, M.D., a California physician and spiritual teacher, includes an excellent chapter on fasting in which he describes his concepts of fasting and his own 40-day fast. According to Dr. Cousens,
. . . fasting in a larger context, means to abstain from that which is toxic to mind, body, and soul. A way to understand this is that fasting is the elimination of physical, emotional, and mental toxins from our organism, rather than simply cutting down on or stopping food intake. Fasting for spiritual purposes usually involves some degree of removal of oneself from worldly responsibilities. It can mean complete silence and social isolation during the fast which can be a great revival to those of us who have been putting our energy outward.
From a medical point of view, I believe that fasting is not utilized often enough. We go on vacations from work to relax, recharge, and to gain new perspectives on our life; why not take occasional breaks from food? Or, for that matter, we might consider fasts from phones, cars, computers, talking, or from whatever activity/consumption we feel is excessive. Most people cannot break out of the conditioned pattern of eating three meals daily. Eating is a habit, an addiction. Most of us do not need nearly the amounts (and types) of food we consume. I have discussed allergy-addiction in many sections of this book; in a sense, eating itself is an allergy-addiction. When we stop and let our stomach remain empty, our body goes into an elimination cycle, and most people, especially when toxicity exists, will experience some "withdrawal" symptoms, such as headaches, irritability, or fatigue (only pure hunger is a clear sign of need for food). When they eat again, their withdrawal symptoms subside, and they feel better. This situation is worse when it involves allergic people eating allergenic foods.

I believe that fasting is one of the best overall healing methods because it can be applied to so many conditions and people. Those who are acid, sympathetic, or yang types, who tend to develop congestive symptoms and diseases rather than those of deficiency, do better on fasting than do other types. Some acid conditions, including colds, flus, bronchitis, mucus congestion, and constipation, can lead to headaches, other intestinal problems, skin conditions, and many other ailments. Those who follow a basic, wholesome, and balanced diet such as outlined in this book have less need to fast or detoxify, although on occasion it is a good idea for anyone, provided that they are not undernourished. Most of us living in Western, industrialized nations are mixed types, with both overnutrition and undernutrition. We may take in excessive amounts of potentially toxic nutrients, such as fats and chemicals, and inadequate amounts of many essential vitamins and minerals. Juice fasting supplies some of these needed nutrients and allows the elimination of toxins. Excess mucus and clogging of the eliminative systems constitute the basic process of congestive diseases; deficiency problems result from poor nourishment or ineffective digestion/assimilation.

In the General Detoxification program, a number of symptoms and diseases of toxicity that can be alleviated by detoxification are discussed. Juice fasting is mentioned as part of the treatment plans in many other sections as well. It can be used to detoxify from drugs or whenever we want to embark on a new plan or life transition, provided that there are no contraindications to fasting (discussed later in this section). Fasting is very versatile and generally fairly safe; however, when it is used in the treatment of medical conditions, proper supervision should be employed, including monitoring of physical changes and biochemistry values. Many doctors, clinics, acupuncturists, nutritionists, and chiropractors feel comfortable overseeing people during fasting.

Elson M. Haas, MD is founder & Director of the Preventive Medical Center of Marin (since 1984), an Integrated Health Care Facility in San Rafael, CA and author of many books on Health and Nutrition.

Thursday, 7 June 2012



Sudah menjadi kelaziman bila tiba nya sambutan Hari Raya Haji, semua tidak akan melepas kan peluang untuk ber BBQ bersama keluarga, sahabat handai mahu pun bersama yang tersayang.

Begitulah dengan diri ku....dalam sibuk sibuk untuk menyiapkan makanan dan persiapan BBQ, tiba tiba kaki aku di sambar api....Panic hanya Allah yang tahu...mengigil satu badan....kepanasan yang tak mampu di ukur berapa degree nya. 

Terus ke Hospital, Doktor yang merawat cakap ini luar saja....aku pun ok lah sbb nampak tak teruk sangat..Dr pun letak "cooling bandage"

 Ok lah, ingat tak de apa. aku pun macam biasa je lah....Masuk hari ke dua, kaki mula ada buble air,cool lagi...hari ke tiga sampai dah tak boleh jalan. 
Hu Hu Hu Hu.......
OKU buat sementara waktu.
 Dr Jalil Jidon selaku Pakar Plastik Surgery dan Kosmetik , Hospital Pakar Ampang Puteri ambil keputusan untuk keluarkan air bisa ni...aku pun tiada pilihan sebab dah sakit. Kaki aku dibalut untuk tempoh 2 minggu bagi memboleh kan tisu tisu kulit baru tidak terkoyak dan membentuk lapisan baru.


YA ALLAH, AKU sendiri pun tak sanggup nak tengok.....TAKUT
Doktor Jalil bagi the best Vitamin E untuk pulihkan sel sel kulit baru dan untuk mengelakkan kesan parut....
TAPI AKU DEGIL, aku lebih yakin dengan MADU.
Setiap hari 3 kali sehari aku pasti akan letak madu.....inilah MANUKA HoNEY yang membantu memulihkan kaki BBQ aku dengan izin TuhanNya.


TOTALY BERSIH selepas minggu ke 2, Dr pun hairan KAKI aku  tak de jangkitan Kuman atau pun Berparut.



Wednesday, 6 June 2012



 APPRICOT SEED @ RM 18.00/200g

Rawat Kanser Dengan Biji Aprikot
Vitamin B17 dari Biji Apricot Biji apricot mengandungi kandungan Vitamin B17 yang paling tinggi di dunia.

Biji Aprikot mempunyai kandungan khasiat yang sangat luar biasa, terutama Bitter Apricot. Dalam bahasa nutrient, Biji Apricot ini di sebut mengandungi Amigdalin, yang juga dikenali sebagai vitamin B17. B17 ini dapat membantu membunuh sel- sel kanser dalam badan kita, Hasilnya dapat membebaskan diri kita dari serangan penyakit ganas ini kanser) yang merupakan pembunuh senyap.

Amigdalin (Vitamin B17) dapat diperolehi didalam beratus-ratus jenis tumbuhan . Dalam diet pemakanan kita harus ada B17. Jika tiada B17 dalam diet pemakanan anda boleh di hidapi penyakit kanser. Selain dari Apricot Kernels, B17 juga boleh di perolehi dari badam pahit (amigdalin mempunyai rasa pahit - badam manis tidak mengandungi B17 ), epal pips, benih-benih anggur, sengkuang, buah beri, ubi kayu, biji buah oren dan biji benih yang lain.
Terdapat banyak cara yang anda boleh gunakan untuk melawan kanser. Bagaimanapun, B17 menggunakan cara yang sangat unik iaitu secara langsung menyerang sel kanser ( directly attacks cancer cells). Maka hasilnya jauh lebih baik dan berkesan Insyallah.
Kita sedia maklum bahawa badan kita sentiasa mencipta sel kanser setiap masa. Biasanya sistem imun dapat membunuh sel kanser tersebut. Bagaimanapun pada saat anda berada dalam keadaan “stress” atau tubuh badan anda berada dalam kondisi yang sangat lemah dan sering terdedah dalam persekitaran karsinogen. Keadaan ini akan membuat sel kanser menjadi sangat kuat sehingga tidak mampu untuk dimusnahkan oleh sistem imun.

B17 dari Apricot seed akan bekerjasama dengan sistem imun dan membunuh sel-sel kanser secara langsung. Untuk pengetahuan anda pada Sel-sel kanser terdapat satu enzim yang dapat membuka “ikatan kimia” yang terpadu dalam B17 Apricot Seed yaitu cyanide. Maka cyanide akan di bebaskan dari ikatan kimianya yang terdapat dalam B17. Bila cyanide dibebaskan maka cyanide akan membunuh sel kanser. Secara lumrahnya sel yang sihat tidak terdapat enzim ini. Maka sebab itulah B17 tidak akan bekerja pada sel yang sihat. B17 hanya bertindak balas pada sel yang tidak normal dalam badan manusia termasuklah sel kanser, tumor, jerawat atau pun buasir.

Enzim yang terdapat dalam sel kenser dapat membuka kunci amigdalin maka terhasilah cyanide. Jika terdapat lebihan cyanide yang terhasil dari tindak balas metabolik badan yang berkanser dan cyanide tersebut memasuki aliran darah anda. Maka secara semulajadi akan dineutralkan oleh hati.

Hati (liver) berkerja dengan lebih kuat jika terdapat ada unsur toksin dalam badan anda. Sehingga anda dapat melihat kesan kerosakan hati akibat pembersihan toksin dalam badan. Tapi bukan kerosakan dari kanser. Maka jika tubuh kita terlalu banyak toksin dan tidak di keluarkan dari badan, besar kemungkinan kita bakal mengidap kanser hati pula.

Penyelidik-penyelidik di Imperial College London telah membuat ujikaji menggunakan cyanide untuk menghapuskan sel-sel kanser, hasil kajian, mereka mendapati cyanide atau apa-apa toksin yang berada di dalam darah dengan cepatnya dineutralkan oleh hati.

Amigdalin kadangkala dirujuk sebagai Vitamin B17 dan ditemui dalam nitriloside kaya dengan buah buahan dan tumbuh-tumbuhan. digunakan sebagai terapi utama, kecuali kepada mereka yang menjaga pemakanan yang baik, menjaga Ph tubuh dengan baik, tiada pencemaran toksin dalam badan. Telah digunakan untuk merawat penghidap-penghidap kanser dalam beberapa klinik di seluruh dunia.

Pada permulaan abad ke-21 adalah dijangkakan bahawa satu dari lapan orang di UK akan mendapat kanser payudara dan satu dari empat orang lelaki akan mendapat barah prostat. Jika termasuk kanser yang berlainan jenis, dijangkakan tiada keluarga yang bebas dari penyakit kanser.

Oleh itu cadangan memakan 8 - 10 biji Apricot setiap hari, Insyaallah, seumur hidup anda terpelihara dari terkena penyakit kanser. Ini merupakan berita baik bagi mereka yang tercari-cari alternatif penjagaan diri.

Dipetik dari World Without Cancer by G. Edward Griffin (American Media, California, 1974 and 1997). For testimonies of cancer sufferers treated with laetrile and nutrition therapy read Alive and Well (American Media, California, 1994) by Philip E Binzel, Jr., M.D. and see ‘Vitamin B17 therapy - does it work?’ See also ‘’Cancer Prevention - A Change In Our Diet’.

Fakta logik dan sains menunjukkan bukti bahawa kehadiran enzim-enzim dan scientific chemistry dalam badan manusia adalah benar-benar berlaku. Mana-mana ahli biokimia atau ahli toksikologi di seluruh dunia telah mengesahkan berlakunya proses ini. FDA ( merupakan badan yang mengawal ubat-ubatan dunia ) telah mencabar pakar-pakar penyakit kanser dan ahli biokimia untuk menunjukkan bukti penemuan bahawa enzim laetrile dari biji Apricot dapat membunuh sel kanser. FDA mendapati terdapat bukti kukuh bahawa laetrile atau Vitamin B17 benar-benar dapat membunuh sel kanser.

Biji Apricot mempunyai khasiat seperti berikut:

• Mencegah & merawat KANSER

• Menyelamat/ membaikpulih fungsi hati

• Membersihkan saluran darah

• Merawat penyakit diabetes

• Menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi

• Memperbaiki fungsi buah pinggang

• Mengurangkan kesakitan sendi tulang

• Memudahkan penurunan berat badan

• Baik untuk pembersihan usus

• Mengawal masaalah serawan (ruang putih di dlm mulut)

• Pemangkin kepada kesihatan mental

Khas Untuk kewanitaan, Biji Aprikot berkhasiat untuk:
-Menghilangkan keputihan
-melancarkan perjalanan darah haid,
-kesakitan di bahagian rahim,

Cara makan untuk pesakit kanser : 40biji sehari, 4x sehari(10biji sekali makan) Sewaktu kunyah pastikan air liur keluar dengan banyak. Ini akan membantu menuteralkan bahan aktif yang ada dalam kandungan Biji Apricot tersebut.

Cara makan untuk mencegah kanser : 8-10 biji setiap pagi dan petang sahaja .

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